Money Back Guarantee

If you have changed your mind and wish to return a product, you have a maximum period of 14 working days of receiving this product. You don’t have to give a reason for this.

The products cannot have been opened, used, manipulated or modified in any way, and they must be in perfect condition for sale, inside their box, with the original packaging and label.

If you wish to return the product, you must report it to in writing (via e-mail or with this model form). You must then return the product to within 14 days. However, you must bear the cost of and the risk of returning.

Product returns will not be accepted in the following cases:

  • Products whose seal, original packaging or label has been partially or totally opened.
  • Products that have been used, damaged or subjected to storage or use conditions other than those indicated on the website or on the product label.
  • In general, any product that has been manipulated or is not suitable for sale.


If the returned goods are complete, in original/undamaged packaging and unused, we will refund the purchase amount you paid within 14 days of receiving the product you have returned, taking into account that may withhold the payment costs incurred on the credit. If a product is returned that, in’s opinion, has incurred damage that is due to any act or negligence on your part or otherwise represents your risk, will notify you in writing (by letter or e-mail).

Products can be returned to:

Business Group Koris Company S.L
Calle San Rafael 2, 1B
03730 Xàbia
Alicante, Spain
